Goodbye Malcolm

A picture of a black lab, 14 years old, bathed in sunlight.
Two black labs facing the camera. Hanna and Malcolm
Malcolm and Hanna

Two dogs came into my life when I met my wife in 2016, Hanna and Malcolm.  Both black labs, half-siblings, born in 2010 about six months apart with Hanna being the older sibling. They were purebred dogs that were judged not quite show worthy and Meg adopted them in 2011, first Malcolm and then Hanna.

I met them not long after meeting Meg, and got to know them well as Meg and I were dating.  Malcolm and Hanna helped raise more than 30 foster kittens and got along famously with the cats in Meg’s household. Continue reading “Goodbye Malcolm”

Remembering my father on Father’s Day

Ron Brockmeier painting a car

Ron Brockmeier painting a carThis is the second Father’s Day since my father passed.

In some ways it feels like the first – nothing felt quite real about his death last year after the pandemic kicked in. In other ways, I’d been letting go of my father long before he actually passed.

In 2019 I talked to my father on Father’s Day, but the dementia and memory loss had progressed to the point where it didn’t really feel like talking to my dad. Unlike many other years, he wasn’t interested much in talking or staying on the phone. But I got to hear his voice, and got to say the words.

This year, I don’t have that option. I won’t again.

But I’m still thinking about my dad today. The picture here is from a trip in 2007. I drove up to Wisconsin with a new (to me) car and asked him to do a little pinstriping on it, and paint a character I’m fond of on the back of the car. It was a good trip, he (as always) did a great job on the car.

So I’m thinking about that trip today. And other good memories. Looking through some old emails. My dad used to love to forward hokey humor that was popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. (You know, the emails that have “Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Funny” in the subject line?) I’m guessing if he was alive today and in better mental health, he’d be all about memes.

I really wish I’d found more time to spend with him in my late 30s and early 40s. He threw out a number of fishing invitations, but I didn’t take him up on many of them. Too much work, too much travel, it was rarely a good time.

Family is complicated. If your father is still around, and you have or want a good relationship with them, be sure to spend some time with them or talking to them today. Not just the obligatory “happy Father’s Day” call. Try to learn something new about your father while you can. Have a real conversation while you can.

If you are a father, I hope you have a lovely day with your kids. Make good memories.

Miss you, dad.

Remembering my father

Ron Brockmeier

Ronald C. Brockmeier, my father, passed away on January 21, 2020 in Dorchester, Wisconsin. He was 79, and had spent about two and a half years suffering from vascular dementia and memory loss. He was preceded by his wife, Tina, who passed in July 2019.

It’s hard to write anything short of a novel about my father’s passing. How do you compress a life into a few paragraphs or pages? He was many things, and “easy to describe” wasn’t one of them. Continue reading “Remembering my father”