In 2016 I wanted to take on a 100-day blogging project and decided I’d do a top 100 list of my favorite albums, at the time. Looking over the list, it’s a good point-in-time snapshot, but a lot has changed in seven years or so. Continue reading “Revisiting my top 100 albums: The 24 that didn’t make the cut”
Murdercat at rest
Having a relaxing Caturday with Lilah, aka Murdercat, giving me the hairy eyeball.
Bonus shot of Bubby and Willow.
“Close (To The Edit)” – Art of Noise
A discussion on Metafilter today about interviews with J.J. Jeczalik from Art of Noise tickled my brain and put this song back in heavy rotation. Continue reading ““Close (To The Edit)” – Art of Noise”
Remember what’s important
Six years ago a good friend of mine passed away due to cancer. She was just shy of her 65th birthday and deserved so much more time. Continue reading “Remember what’s important”
“The Dispatcher” by John Scalzi
Took me a while to get around to it, but I finally picked up John Scalzi’s The Dispatcher yesterday morning and polished it off before bed. Some mild spoilers (depending on your definition of “spoiler”) below.
Listen to this: Steve Lawson “Episode 50: A New Hope”
Fresh new music for the first week of the new year, Steve Lawson’s Episode 50: A New Hope is two epic-length tracks of introspective goodness.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3423306477 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]
I’ll turn the floor over to Steve to describe the release:
Turning 50 after 5 months of chemo to try and get rid of Lymphoma was a milestone rich with symbolism and all the feels. Especially having just had such good news about the success of the chemo. So here we have the soundtrack to that milestone.
I’ve been following along with Lawson’s updates on his journey to treat Lymphoma and I’m glad to learn he’s reached the finish line with his chemo regimen. Here’s hoping that he’s got a long stretch of good health ahead.
You can feel the optimism and relief in the music. It’s definitely worth a listen the next time you have a bit of quality listening time. Sounds great in headphones. Happy birthday, Steve, and many more!
The scorpion strikes: Still speaker-less after 11 votes
Clearly nobody taught Kevin McCarthy and the rest of the establishment GOP the lesson of the frog and the scorpion.
It would be funny if it was a plot on a modern West Wing, but it just seems like a harbinger of more problems to come. After 11 tries, the U.S. House of Representatives has failed to appoint a speaker, due to in-fighting and extortion from the most extreme wing of an already extreme party.
A bloc of Republicans is blocking Kevin McCarthy from taking the gavel and moving on with the business of the House, because… well, they just seem to want to watch him twist in the wind and continue demanding concessions.
In a better world, the “mainstream” Republicans would reach a deal with Democrats and freeze this group completely out of power. No committee seats, no voice in legislation – sideline them for two years and primary them out.
We do not, it has to be said, occupy a better world. It’s lightly amusing watching McCarthy twist in the wind, and I hope voters remember this dysfunction in two years’ time when they have a chance to set the balance of power again.
If the GOP as a whole had any interest in power for anything other than power’s sake, they’d use this opportunity to reset and move away from the clown car caucus and try to start putting us back on a path to normal. It might mean sacrificing power for a few years without the extremists, but in the long-run they’re giving up power to the extremists anyway. If that’s not painfully obvious to McCarthy and the remainder of the party, they’ll have more opportunities to figure it out as time goes on.
Any scenario where this group walks out of holding the House hostage for the better part of a week (so far) with more they started is just inviting further disruption down the road. It’d be better for the GOP to hand the speaker’s gavel to the Dems than be beholden to Gaetz and company, because they absolutely will sting the rest of the GOP again and again and again to get what they want or just to gum up the works because it’s fun.
Pretending that they have any good intentions for running the government is dangerous. This is a golden opportunity to cut off their oxygen supply and reset, if only the GOP would take it.
Bubby and Sir Wobbles
Love the relationship these two have. Bubby and Sir Wobbles got along immediately the first time they met and Sir seems to have a little bit of hero worship going on with Bub.