Today has been a fine, lazy Caturday here in Durham. Spring is nudging Winter out of the way, but not without a little push-back. Seems like a good day to post a few pictures of Sam, the ringleader of the former Knox Street gang.
Sam is ready for his close-up. Sam is a fantastic loafer. One of the best in the business.
Sam is the most cat-like cat out of the crew. He’s proud, aloof, stubborn, troublesome, but also adorable. And knows it.
Hope you’re having a good Caturday. Time to dish out the kibble and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Today was vet visit day. As is custom, I gave Lilah a few doses of Gabapentin ahead of the vet visit so she’d be manageable and not try to use her chainsaw paws on them.
She was feeling very, very chill this morning. No vets were harmed during the exam. We’ll see if I pay a price later when the drugs have worn off…
A little Bandcamp recommendation magic from Khruangbin led me on a little exploration to find some Turkish psychedelic funk by Beynelmilan. Check out Anatolian Funk if you dare. It’s damn good.
Price hikes for Oracle Java. Good coverage from SMK, but I do wish there was a breakdown of how much of a price hike and whether there’s any new goodness to justify the price increase.
That’s it for today, we now return you to your regularly scheduled Internet.
Four years and one day ago, Meg forwarded me an email she received as a volunteer cat foster. It was titled “last chance for Bubby” and it included a picture of a big-eyed black cat looking over someone’s shoulder. Continue reading “Celebrating Bubby’s gotcha day”
It’s been a year to the day since I said goodbye to one of the best cats that’s ever walked the planet.
When I first got Laney, I put her in a separate room (like you’re supposed to) to acclimate to the new surroundings and before introducing her to Lilah. She managed to bust out of the room by the second night and found her way up to my pillow, settled down and slept right next to my head. That was that. She decided it was her place, and if Lilah happened to wander too close she’d get a swat.
Mind you, Laney had been declawed before I got her and had no business starting a cat fight with a younger, fully equipped, Murder Cat. But she did, and Lilah backed off. All the cats respected her territory and mighty, if clawless, paws.
It still doesn’t seem quite right without Laney around, nor going to bed and not having Laney settled next to me on the pillow and providing purrs.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think about Laney, or miss having her demanding pets or attention. We’re fortunate to have plenty of wonderful cats (and two great dogs, too), but there’s always going to be a Laney-sized hole in my life without her here. I like to think she’s still out there, somewhere, and maybe we’ll meet again. Give your fuzzy friends extra pets and snuggles while you can. Miss you, Laney.
Laney McScratcherson is a tortoiseshell tabby cat (torbie) that I adopted from Animal House in St. Louis in late 2013. It might be more accurate to say she adopted me, because she made it pretty clear that she had decided I was her person. You don’t argue with a cat when they pick you, you just go with it.
These are just a few of the pictures I’ve taken the last few years of Laney around the house, mostly lounging on the bed. She’s known as the Queen of the King-size here, and rules the house with an iron paw. Continue reading “The many faces of Laney McScratcherson”